Sunday, August 15, 2010

Easy part/Hard part

I have started this blog with a little delay, I already have almost all of the components I require to build this venture. I started ordering the equipment at the 31st of the July.

The items and tools I need are the easy part. The hard part here is to build a table that will pass the approval of my wife. The idea was to replace a table that already exists in the house used as a small coffee table and also as the kid's table for drawing and eating (yes the table has to have a basic "waterproof" ability, otherwise, well you know :)).

I will upload picture of all of the components parts to the blog, hopefully today.

The easy way to go would be to buy a small net-book or something similar to the Zotac MAG HD-ND01 and add to it an LCD screen and your almost done without too much to spend, but where is the fun in that? :).

So I started buying what I need and I will place another post that will list them and have pictures as well. I know that I need to fit everything in something similar to what I have today in my home - a 55cm x 55cm square table with a height of 45cm. The table was bought from IKEA.
To start, I need to make sure I have the correct design of the table, so I downloaded Google Sketchup and started designing the table. I created boxes that represent each component I want to fit in the box and started juggling them around. It was not easy, but I got everything good and packed until I measured the Joystick that I bought and it turns out it's 15cm in height (bottom including micro-switches to the top of the joystick). This caused the table to get modified and, well, it's fine but I'm still not satisfied and need to think it over and see what I can improve.

I'll add the Google sketchup as well for referance. The sketchup is not complete, and I will update it as frequently as possible.

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