Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Final adjustments to the design

After having many doubts on the coloring of the table and how it will look nice with the final finishing touches, I have my final design Sketchup here.

Following is a picture of the final table (for now :))

I colored the controls panel with contrasting colors of the other side joystick. The joystick colors I chose for the final design are Red and Green.

I took the advice of a friend of mine's spouse and will color the table in brown or dark brown and hope it will earn extra points in the WAF scale.

Those who do not know what is a WAF scale, read the following WIKI page.

As you may notice, the glass is not on top of the table but rather aligned with top of the tables legs and side frame. This is friends idea that will make the table much more appealing and easy to accomplish. The other options I had were nice but were either hard to make or not strong enough in certain situations and/or mostly not child proofed.

I haven't painted anything for now, I just sanded the whole table and closed some cracks and holes. I did some staging on a peace of wood to make sure I know how to paint this table and not ruin it.

If I won't succeed in making this table look good using paint, I'll always have the option of covering it with cover-up paper wallpaper or something similar.

If I manage to find the best way to color the table, it will probably take me two days to finish the coloring.

The next step is to get a glass topping for the table, but that I will leave it to the very end. I need to get accurate measuring so that the glass will fit in perfectly.